3 Realistic Ideas for Your New Years Resolution - Live And Love Out Loud

3 Realistic Ideas for Your New Years Resolution

As the new year quickly approaches, many people are scrambling ton think of resolutions to carry into 2023. While creating new years resolutions can be an opportunity for some to evaluate their life and make changes where necessary in order to live a better life, the truth is that many people create unrealistic resolutions that they are unable to stick to over time. The new year can be a great time to take stock of where you are at and what habits you would like to stop and which practices you’d like to start; however, the key is to think of attainable goals that you can follow each day.

Here are a few ideas for resolutions you can stick to that will help you live a healthier, happier life in the new year. 

Create a Budget 

One of the best and most attainable goals that you can set for yourself in the new year is to work on creating and following a stronger budget in order to take control of your finances. If you struggle to save money or overspend in areas you shouldn’t, sticking to a firm budget can help. Outlining a budget that works for you and allows you to put money in savings for emergencies as well as for upcoming bills while leaving you with leftover spending money from paychecks at Votacall can be easy, and is a great way to start the new year off on the right foot when it comes to managing your money. 

Cook More 

Many people’s health and wellness goals in the new year center around following a specific diet or joining a gym in order to lose weight. A more realistic plan that you can actually stick to is to cook more meals at home. This will not only save you money on dining out and allow you to experience the joy of cooking as a more frequent practice, but cooking food at home can also encourage you to find healthier recipes with healthy ingredients and therefore put you on the right path to meeting your health and fitness goals. 

Drink Less Alcohol 

A common resolution for many people is to stop drinking alcohol; however, many people do not achieve this goal as it is too broad. Evaluating your relationship with alcohol and making a plan to cut down when you can is a better idea. For example, limiting yourself to only consuming alcohol on the weekends, on special occasions, or 1-2 times a week can help you limit your drinking in a way that you are more realistically likely to follow.