Three Creative Ways To Create A Second Revenue Stream - Live And Love Out Loud

Three Creative Ways To Create A Second Revenue Stream


Been wondering how you can save for that new car or a special night out without needing to scrimp and save every penny possible? What if you could easily create a second revenue stream without having to do much in the way of work? These days it seems every second person has multiple ways to create revenue due to high costs of living but wages remaining the same. So what are a couple cool, easy ways to make money without trying? Here are three creative ways to create a second revenue stream for yourself!

Selling Online

Depending on what you want to sell, selling can generate quite a lot of income. From handicrafts to old antiques you can make quite a lot of money just by posting things online. These days everyone seems to go mad for vintage style clothing, handmade bags and clothes and more. If you have a collection of old items in your basement or attic you may want to go through them and see what you have that could fetch a pretty penny on the likes of eBay or in antique shops. Old, rare books are great for this kind of thing. Likewise you may want to take advantage of reselling websites like Music Magpie to sell off old things you no longer need from VHS tapes to mobile phones to books to clothes, they take almost anything.

Games Online

It might sound a bit far fetched but playing games online can net you some serious winnings. With sites like bettingtop10 you can bet on your favourite sports teams and win real money. With many sites offering sign up bonuses as well it’s entirely possible to win money without having to use any of your own to do so, meaning there’s zero risk to you in some cases. Either way, this is a fun way to make money regardless and can be an interesting way to spend free time if you use apps on your phone on the go and the like.


This is another great second revenue stream option – with so many people around the world wanting to learn English for example, it’s easy to teach languages online to students around the globe. Many online schools offer classes for students in different timezones and for different lengths and even help teachers with lesson planning so that the class runs smoothly and easily. If this doesn’t sound like your thing, consider tutoring a local child in things like math, science or music – three hugely popular tutoring areas.

So there you have a couple of great ideas for creating second revenue streams to help you with saving money for that special something. Which one will you choose?